All Schools

Anatomy Chemistry Building of the School of Medicine

Annenberg Public Policy Center

Annenberg School for Communication

Biomedical Research Building

Blockley Hall

Carolyn Lynch Laboratory

Caster Building

Charles Addams Fine Arts Hall

Chemistry Laboratories: 1958 Wing

Chemistry Laboratories: 1973 Wing

Chemistry Laboratories: Cret Wing

Chestnut Street, 3910

Clinical Research Building

Cohen Hall, Claudia

College Hall

Colonial Penn Center


Dinan Hall

Duhring Wing

Evans Building

Fagin Hall, Claire M.

Fisher - Bennett Hall

Fisher Fine Arts Library, Anne and Jerome

Fox-Fels Hall

Franklin Building Annex

Gittis Hall

Goddard Laboratories

Graduate School of Education Building

Hill Pavilion, Vernon and Shirley

Huntsman Hall, Jon M.

Irvine Auditorium

Jaffe History of Art Building, Elliot and Roslyn

John Morgan Building

Johnson Pavilion, Robert Wood

Kaskey Park

Lauder Institute

Leidy Laboratories of Biology

Lerner Center

Levine Hall, Melvin and Claire

Levine North

Levy Center for Oral Health Research

Market Street, 3440

Market Street, 3535

Market Street, 3600

Market Street, 3615

Market Street, 3624

Market Street, 3701