The 1928 Anatomy-Chemistry Wing addition added significant laboratory facilities to the Medical School. Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, it was designed by the successors to Cope and Stewardson. A saw-toothed wall marks the point where an additional quad was planned for a second phase of construction.
Anatomy Chemistry Building of the School of Medicine
The 1928 Anatomy-Chemistry Wing addition added significant laboratory facilities to the Medical School. Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, it was designed by the successors to Cope and Stewardson. A saw-toothed wall marks the point where an additional quad was planned for a second phase of construction.

- The south entrance located on Guardian Drive leads to the basement at the mid-section of the building; key access only.
Anatomy Chemistry Building is directly connected on floor 2 via level, accessible interior corridors to John Morgan Building (#2), Stellar-Chance Laboratories (#3), and the Medical Complex through John Morgan Building.
There is one elevator on the north side of the building that accesses all floors.
There are no accessible restrooms in this building. The nearest accessible restrooms are in buildings connected to Anatomy Chemistry: Richards Laboratories in the basement, and John Morgan Building women's room on floor 1.
Most areas of these buildings are private/secured and require PennCard access for authorized personnel only.