Fagin Hall, Claire M.

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Claire M. Fagin Hall pays tribute to Claire Fagin's remarkable lifelong achievements in nursing and her exemplary leadership at Penn as both the Dean of Nursing and Interim President of the University.

Planning Strategy

Claire M. Fagin Hall, built in 1972, is home to Penn's School of Nursing. The building's name pays tribute to Claire Fagin's remarkable lifelong achievements in nursing and her exemplary leadership at Penn as both the Dean of Nursing and Interim President of the University.


Phase 1 – Renovation of building entrance, with new entrance courtyard, glazed lobby and café. Phase 2 – Renovation of the 4th floor roof garden/courtyard, offices, dean's suite, and exterior windows. Phase 3 – This phase included construction of a new Student Lounge and renovations to Alumni Hall; construction of classroom breakout and study group study spaces; upgrades to finishes in and lighting in public corridor spaces; fit out for relocation of School of Nursing Technology and Information Service; expansion and renovation of existing public restrooms; construction of new Computer lab; construction of new 80 seat classroom; HVAC renovation to second floor and penthouse systems; and installation of state of the art audio video systems. Phase 4 – Renovation of the existing chemistry lab space into Anatomy/Physiology meeting rooms for curriculum breakout sessions during the day and student team use in the evenings. Phase 5 – Renovations to the nursing simulation labs, university classrooms, restrooms and corridors.

Fagin Hall, Claire M.

Fagin Hall, Claire M.

Building Code: 385
Phase: Completed
Year Built: 1972 / 2014
Floors: 11
Other Name: Claire M. Fagin Hall, Nursing Education Building, School of Nursing, NEB, Tri-NEB, Nursing School, 420 Guardian Drive
Area Manager
Jones, Andy
Building Manager
Gomez, Joseph