Matching Facilities Renewal Fund
Matching Facilities Renewal Fund
The FRF also includes a Matching Facilities Renewal Fund (MFRF) program, which provides a 1:1 match to school contributions for immediate and high priority projects. This program helps schools and centers leverage additional funding to address critical maintenance needs.
This program provides a 1:1 match to School and Center contributions for immediate and high-priority projects identified by the FCAs. This funding is only for projects that have not yet gone through the capital approval process. If you plan on requesting matching funds for a project to be started in the next fiscal year, please make sure to include it in Capital Plan submissions. The process for receiving funding from the MFRF requires submission of an application for funding that is reviewed by the MFRF Committee. This committee is made up of representatives from various schools and centers. The committee will review applications based on a set of predetermined criteria listed in the criteria of the Matching FRF Policy (see below). The submission cycles are twice a year - one in December and one in May. Once applications are approved, funds are available as soon as needed.
For more information and to assess if your project is eligible, please refer to the Matching FRF Guidlines.
To request matching funds, complete the Matching Facility Renewal Fund Application and email it to Ben Suplick.
Questions about the program can be addressed to Ben Suplick or Mike Stack.