FRF Project Selection

Project Selection 

The Director of Engineering and Energy Planning meets with each School and Center every year to review their needs, identify the School or Center’s priorities, and determine where those priorities match immediate or high needs in the database. These meetings are designed to create synergies to determine which needs can become a Facilities Renewal Fund project to be funded in the upcoming fiscal year. These meetings are held prior to the School or Centers Capital Plan submission to help with capital renewal planning. The Director of Engineering and Energy Planning sends a letter identifying the projects that are earmarked for that coming fiscal year to each School and Center. These letters are approved by the Senior Vice President of Facilities and Real Estate Services.

Schools and Centers are also strongly encouraged to collaborate with Facilities to bring down the needs as quickly as possible. The projects that are included in the letters represent only a portion of the existing deferred maintenance needs.  The list may be altered to support other needs deemed higher priorities as they arise. The projects represent a commitment, barring unforeseen emergencies, by the Division of Facilities & Real Estate Services to carry out the projects during the coming fiscal year. Any unused funds, following the support of the above-identified projects, will be returned to central Facilities Renewal Funds and redistributed according to updated priorities.