
Campus-Wide Special Event Banner Policy & Procedures
The University community takes great pride in the appearance of the campus. As the Campus Development Plan is implemented, the "urban park" character of College Green will be expanded to all areas of the campus. The presence of too many banners on campus distracts from this goal. The University balances the need to draw attention to School and Center special events with the need to preserve the beauty and serenity of our campus. Therefore, to the greatest extent possible, the hanging of banners should to be limited to the approved banner locations noted below. The hanging of banners on buildings or structures related to buildings is not encouraged but will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The hanging of banners on or between trees is not permitted.
Procedure - Banners across Locust Walk
The University maintains a banner cable across Locust Walk between 36th & 37th Street Walks. To request the hanging of a banner at this location please follow these steps:
- To make requests and inquire about a specific time period, please contact Craig Roncace, Urban Park Manager. If approved and the time frame is available, you will need a University 26-digit budget code to pay for the installation and removal of the banner. To ensure timely installation of the banner, requests should be submitted at least one month prior to the date requested.
- Once a time period is reserved, submit a dimensioned sketch of the proposed banner to the Facilities contact for review and approval by the Office of the University Architect.
- Within 5 working days of receipt of sketch, the Facilities contact will notify Requester of its approval or of changes required.
- Once approved, Requester must deliver the banner to the Facilities contact three (3) working days prior to the reservation start date.

Procedure - Banners along Locust Walk
The University maintains a series of banner pole sleeves attached to the low rail along both sides of Locust Walk between 36th & 37th Street Walks. Banner Policy and administration over the use of these sleeves are under the responsibility of the Office of Student Affairs.
Procedure - Banners on Public Streets
Banners on public streets are mounted on "Brown Round" streetlight poles only. Each pole may receive one (1), double-sided, nine (9') foot x four (4') foot, vertical banner. Each Requester has the option of commissioning a custom design subject to Office of the University Architect and Philadelphia Art Commission approval, within the parameters established by the University City District (UCD) Guidelines. At a minimum, the requester must commit to mounting banners on the streetlight poles on one full city block. Approved University banners conform with the UCD/Penn Street Banner Guidelines and are installed by UCD personnel.
- Contact the Office of the University Architect, to reserve a specific block or blocks for a specific time period. The request should be submitted at least three (3) months prior to the start date requested.
- Once a time period and location are reserved and the number of banners is established, an estimate of the cost to fabricate and install standard banners will be provided.
- All banner designs must be submitted to the University Architect for review and approval.
- A blank, standard banner template, in an.eps format is available for your convenience.
Procedure - Banners on Buildings
Mounting banners on University buildings is discouraged due to potential damage to the building envelope.
- Contact the Office of the University Architect, to request consideration for installing a banner on a building.
- Each request must include a dimensioned sketch of the proposed banner, the location of the building where the banner is to be mounted, the proposed method of fastening the banner, and the proposed time period. Requests must be submitted at least one month prior to the start date.