Design Guidelines

Design Guidelines and Policies


Administrative Space Guidelines

This updated presentation provides an overview of the recommended utilization of space guidelines and should be used to identify administrative spatial departmental needs for all Schools and Centers.

Administrative Space Guidelines (PDF) 

Bird-Friendly Design Guidelines

This document provides guidance for the evaluation of bird-friendly design strategies in new buildings and applicable renovation projects.

Design Guidelines and Review of Campus Projects

The University of Pennsylvania maintains a high standard for design and the materials used for each project. Approved by the Trustees in 2002, the following document outlines our campus standards for design and the formal design review process.

Design Guidelines for Multi-stall All-Gender Restrooms

This document provides guidance for the design of multi-stall all-gender restrooms in new building and renovation projects.


Green Guidelines for Renovations

The intent of these guidelines is to improve environmental practices for building renovation projects across campus, including the Morris Arboretum, the New Bolton Center, UPHS projects, and Penn Real Estate Projects. The Guidelines are to be followed throughout all phases of applicable renovation projects and apply to project design, specification, and construction.

Health & Safety Guidelines

Penn’s Environmental Health and Radiation Safety (EHRS) office is staffed by a team of skilled health and safety professionals committed to working closely with design teams to develop facilities that prioritize the safety and well-being of both occupants and maintenance personnel. 

Health and safety resources for design teams are available at the EHRS website:

Instructions to Design Professionals

This document outlines the contractual obligations between the University and design professionals. This document should be reviewed prior to responding to a Request for Proposal and referred to once a contract is established throughout the life of a project.


Products + Materials

The University requires that all Architects and Contractors fill out the attached form in full at the completion of a project. The completion of the form is part of the closeout documentation for capital projects. This Products and Materials Summary spreadsheet is to be submitted with any required Operation and Maintenance Documentation, as directed by the University Project Manager. These forms can be modified as required for specific projects, but are to list manufacturers, equipment types and model numbers, finishes, and building components to facilitate minor repairs and alterations carried out by the University. The form should be turned in to your Project Manager.

Sustainable Furniture Guidelines

This guide provides an overview of sustainability attributes of furniture products in order to support Penn staff in their sustainable purchasing practices, specifically focused on addressing the goals of Penn’s Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 3.0.

Sustainable Furniture Purchasing Guidance

Stormwater Master Plan

The purpose of the plan is to aid campus planning by identifying opportunities to incorporate sustainable stormwater management practices into future projects. These opportunities will contribute to the University&rsquo's goals for increased environmental sustainability increased green space and reduced utility costs associated with stormwater runoff. Design professionals should consult this document prior to responding to a Request for Proposal and refer to it once a contract is established throughout the life of a project.