Van Pelt - Dietrich Library Center: Kislak Center; Lippincott Library; Music Library; Weigle Commons

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This is the main Penn Library. Within this facility is the Van Pelt Library, the Lippincott Library @ Wharton, the Music Library and the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Book &, Manuscripts and the Weigle Information Commons.

Planning Strategy

The Kislak Center enhances the rare book library's teaching and digitization programs and will support the use of special collections both in research and in the curriculum. In addition, the renovated space on the sixth floor of the Van Pelt Library serves as a social and cultural commons for the entire University.


The collection, study, and curatorial facilities on the sixth floor of the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, have been transformed into the Special Collections Center, joining portions of the fifth and sixth floors. The overall renovated space includes display areas, a reading room, seminar rooms, and offices.

Van Pelt - Dietrich Library Center: Kislak Center; Lippincott Library; Music Library; Weigle Commons

Van Pelt - Dietrich Library Center: Kislak Center; Lippincott Library; Music Library; Weigle Commons

Building Code: 580
Gross Area (sq. ft.): 383,484
Phase: Completed
Year Built: 1962
Floors: 10
Architect: Harbeson, Hough, Livingston, Larson
Trustee Date: 5/19/61
Other Name: Charles Patterson Van Pelt Library
Area Manager
Donaldson, Agnes
Building Manager
Caputo, Sal