Kane Park, Edward W.

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Conversion of former surface parking lot into a half acre green plaza, designed to exceed 95% storm water surface permeability.

Planning Strategy

Edward W. Kane Park, located in front of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) at 33rd and Spruce Streets, opened to pedestrian traffic in early December 2012. The project, supported by a gift from Edward W. Kane, C '71, turned what was formerly an asphalt parking lot into a public green space for the enjoyment by Penn community members and campus visitors. The park features benches, lighting, seasonal plantings, street trees, decorative paving, and a lawn area. The establishment of this space also transforms the parking spaces at the southwest corner of Franklin Field into a new fresh air food plaza for street vendors, complete with electrical infrastructure and landscaping.


Conversion of a surface parking lot into a public green space offering an urban setting to sit, eat, and retreat from the hospital and academic surroundings.

Kane Park, Edward W.

Kane Park, Edward W.

Building Code: 5200
Phase: Completed
Year Built: 2012
Architect: Matthews Nielsen
Other Name: Spruce Plaza, Edward W. Kane Park