Roberts Proton Therapy Center

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The Roberts Proton Therapy Center, part of the Abramson Cancer Center at Perelman, at its opening was a first-of-its-kind proton therapy center for the treatment of cancer.

Planning Strategy

The Roberts Proton Therapy Center, part of the Abramson Cancer Center at Perelman, was a first-of-its-kind proton therapy center for the treatment of cancer. At its opening, the Roberts Proton Therapy Center was the largest proton therapy center in the world and one of only six such centers in the country. It opened as the world’s most comprehensive proton therapy center, offering the ability to fully integrate conventional radiation treatment with proton radiation, which more accurately targets tumors and leaves surrounding, healthy tissue unaffected.


At its opening, it was projected that the Center would treat 3,000 patients a year, including several hundred children, continuing the historically close relationship between UPHS and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Roberts Proton Therapy Center

Roberts Proton Therapy Center

Building Code: 2030
Gross Area (sq. ft.): 532,000
Phase: Completed
Year Built: 2010
Architect: Tsoi, Kobus and Associates