This building, part of Penn's Engineering complex, originally housed the first working multi-purpose Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC) -- the first modern computer.
Moore School Building
This building, part of Penn's Engineering complex, originally housed the first working multi-purpose Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC) -- the first modern computer.

Accessible entry to Moore School Building via interior connections with its adjoining buildings Skirkanich Hall and Levine Hall.
- The entrance to Skirkanich Hall is on 33rd Street and has automatic doors operated by push plate.
- There is a ramped entrance on the north side of Levine Hall on Walnut Street, with automatic doors operated by push plate.
- There is a level entrance on the west side of Levine Hall on Chancellor Street, with automatic doors operated by push plate.
The east entrance to Moore School on 33rd Street has 3 steps up from street level.
There is a freight elevator in the Moore School Building. Call the Office of Operational Services (Rm 195 in Towne Building, 215.898.5598) to make arrangements to use the freight elevator. This elevator accesses floors 1, 2, 3 and basement. The basement is split into different levels and some areas are not accessible. There is an elevator on the North side of Skirkanich Hall with access to all levels of Moore (1M, 2M, 3M).
Accessible single user restroom on floor 2 (286).
- The Moore School Building is directly connected to Skirkanich Hall, Levine Hall with access to Towne Building.
- Basement rooms 23 and 25 are accessible only by the freight elevator Room 23 is a tiered lecture hall with accessible seating in the rear.
- Room 216 on floor 2 has steps just inside the door and is not accessible.