Meyerson Hall - Century Bond

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A blend of Philadelphia School and early modern heroic forms, Meyerson Hall recalls the dynamic era of the Perkins faculty in a concrete framed building crowned by industrial roof skylights recalling LeCorbusiers house for Ozenfant, with Mediterranean sunscreens on the sides.

Planning Strategy

This site serves as the institutional identity for PennDesign. As such, the building represents in practice the knowledge shared in the school's programs: architecture, planning, fine arts, landscape architecture and historic preservation. The renovation projects have resulted in a set of facilities that emphasize the studio, seminar and research activities of PennDesign students, faculty, and scholars in all the disciplines of the school.


Phased renovations to Meyerson Hall included energy efficiency upgrades funded by $11.6M from the Century Bond program. HVAC infrastructure upgrades included: new HVAC distribution, new air handlers, conversion of existing units to variable air volume, high efficiency motors with variable frequency drives and a new building automation system and new switchgear – Completion of the Century Bond work was Fall 2016.

Meyerson Hall - Century Bond

Meyerson Hall - Century Bond

Building Code: 340
Gross Area (sq. ft.): 93,780
Phase: Completed
Year Built: 1967
Floors: 7
Architect: Martin, Stewart, Nobel & Class
Trustee Date: 6/17/83
Other Name: School of Design, Fine Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts Buildings, Fine Arts Building