Meyerson Hall

Meyerson Hall courtyard
  • Meyerson Hall courtyard

A blend of Philadelphia School and early modern heroic forms, Meyerson Hall recalls the dynamic era of the Perkins faculty in a concrete framed building crowned by industrial roof skylights recalling LeCorbusiers house for Ozenfant, with Mediterranean sunscreens on the sides.

Meyerson Hall

210 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Building Code: 340
Phase: Completed
Year Built: 1967
Floors: 7
Other Name: School of Design, Fine Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts Buildings, Fine Arts Building

A blend of Philadelphia School and early modern heroic forms, Meyerson Hall recalls the dynamic era of the Perkins faculty in a concrete framed building crowned by industrial roof skylights recalling LeCorbusiers house for Ozenfant, with Mediterranean sunscreens on the sides.