Class of 1920 Commons
This modern building, designed as part of the 1971 expansion of campus, provides a link between a garage at the south end and a dining hall at the north. Slope-topped light wells, and cantilevered stairs on the exterior recall the sculptural late work of LeCorbusier. The facade has been altered by a metal, bowed front that was added in 1987-8 by Research Planning Associates whose members included Maria Romanach, the daughter of the late Mario Romanach, designer of the building.
Class of 1920 Commons
Class of 1920 Commons
Building Code: 80
Gross Area (sq. ft.): 45,539
Year Built: 1970/1989
Floors: 3
Architect: Eshback, Pullinger, Stevens, Bruder/RPA
Addition Year: 1989
Trustee Date: 6/12/70
Other Name: 1920 Commons, Dining Service, Dining Commons, Class of 1920 Dining Commons
External Links:
Area Manager
Donaldson, Agnes
Building Manager
Tyndell, Shenell