Three Penn Projects Honored by Preservation Alliance of Philadelphia

Three recent Penn construction projects have been awarded 2023 Grand Jury Awards from the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia: the Burk-Bergman Boathouse renovation and addition, repairs to the David Goddard Research Laboratories (Goddard), and the renovation of historic Kelly Writer's House. The Burk-Bergman Boathouse, also known as the Penn Boathouse, project was completed in summer 2022. The primary goal of the renovation project was to restore the original historic boathouse and bolster recruitment for Penn Rowing by creating more usable space, improving accessibility, and providing equal space and accommodations for the men's and women's teams. The Goddard Labs, a National Historic Landmark since 2009, underwent a five-year repair program, concluding in 2023, that addressed brick masonry damage and terra cotta elements on the building's exterior without altering its aesthetic. Kelly Writer's House, built in 1851 and one of the oldest building's on Penn's campus, underwent a renovation beginning in 2019 that modernized the building's systems, technology, and acoustics, adapted the original porch to expand the Arts Cafe, the building's popular event space, and increased ADA accessibility with a new primary entry and ramp.
The Preservation Alliance seeks to promote the appreciation, protection, and appropriate use and development of the Philadelphia region's historic buildings, communities, and landscapes. Read more about the prestigious awards on their website.